Use "british nuclear fuels|british nuclear fuel" in a sentence

1. Molten salt fuels have nuclear fuel dissolved directly in the molten salt coolant.

2. Nuclear fuels and actinides research

3. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear fission.

4. It is used in nuclear fuel rods in nuclear reactors.

5. The BBC are working on a profile of the British nuclear industry.

6. The Finnish and British governments say they will not subsidise nuclear power.

7. any nuclear fuel cycle facility

8. 3.2 The Nuclear Fuel Cycle

9. I'm in the nuclear game, not fossil fuels.

10. The British and Americans exchanged nuclear information but did not initially combine their efforts.

11. The first British nuclear submarine, HMS Dreadnought, was powered by a Westinghouse S5W reactor.

12. A nuclear reactor is only part of the fuel life-cycle for nuclear power.

13. Uranium is used to fuel nuclear plants.

14. This is the conventional nuclear fuel cycle.

15. Will this agreement pave way for Canadian nuclear companies setting up nuclear reactors in India or supplying nuclear fuel to India?

16. 22. nuclear safety (of present and future generations of nuclear reactors, and their fuel cycle);

17. The incident occurred when the graphite core of a British nuclear reactor caught fire near Cumberland.

18. - the placing of orders for nuclear fuels sufficiently in advance,

19. BWXT Accomplishes Restart of TRISO Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing

20. Multilateralization of the nuclear fuel cycle/guarantees of access to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy

21. Bhabha laid the foundation of our nuclear programme by enunciating the three stage nuclear power programme based on a closed nuclear fuel cycle.

22. * The Agreement provides for nuclear trade, transfer of nuclear material, equipment, components, and related technologies and for cooperation in nuclear fuel cycle activities.

23. The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.

24. Plutonium–zirconium alloy can be used as nuclear fuel.

25. Ordinarily (in spent nuclear fuel), plutonium is reactor-grade plutonium.

26. In 2014, all of Ukraine's nuclear fuel came from Russia.

27. 4 The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.

28. India’s three stage nuclear power programme which began sixty years ago is based on a closed nuclear fuel cycle.

29. Criticality is the normal operating condition of a nuclear reactor, in which nuclear fuel sustains a fission chain reaction

30. * As responsible States with advanced nuclear technologies, India and France intend to develop multifaceted civil nuclear cooperation covering a wide range of activities including nuclear power projects, fuel supply, R&D, nuclear safety, education and training.

31. (a) operation and decommissioning of any facility of the nuclear fuel cycle ...’

32. Uranium nitride has been considered as a potential fuel for nuclear reactors.

33. As responsible states with advanced nuclear technologies, including in the nuclear fuel cycle, France and India are interested to promote nuclear energy with the highest standards of safety and security and in accordance with their respective nuclear policies and international obligations.

34. In the 1950s and 1960s, a dozen full-scale nuclear tests were conducted in the southern Australian deserts by the British military.

35. Corium (also called fuel containing material (FCM) or lava-like fuel containing material (LFCM)) is the lava-like mixture of fissile material created in a nuclear reactor’s core during a nuclear

36. This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

37. India has developed indigenously a robust nuclear programme covering the complete fuel cycle.

38. In the next century, nuclear energy could overtake oil as the main fuel.

39. Yellowcake is used in the preparation of fuel for nuclear reactors and in uranium enrichment, one of the essential steps for creating nuclear weapons.

40. An obvious and technically achievable alternative to fossil fuel combustion is nuclear fission.

41. This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay[], nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

42. Although we must move away from energy production using fossil fuels, nuclear energy is not the alternative.

43. All of these nations have long had nuclear weapons from military-focused research reactor fuels except Japan.

44. Nuclear disarmament and the disassembling of nuclear weapons have expanded the possibility of nuclear theft.

45. “In a sane world, author Terry Bazes’ imagination would be quarantined like nuclear fuel

46. advanced and developed an initiative on the secured supply of nuclear fuel cycle services.

47. The use of different fuels in nuclear reactors results in different SNF composition, with varying activity curves.

48. The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is continuing its work on nuclear and applied physics and nuclear data; computer science and mathematical modeling methods; reactor and fuel cycle physics and radiation shielding and criticality; actinide chemistry; materials for nuclear applications; neutron sources (reactors and accelerators); partitioning and transmutation of nuclear wastes; compilation, evaluation and processing of data and databases; and preservation and renewal of expertise in nuclear science.

49. In physics, the discovery of nuclear fission has led to both nuclear weapons and nuclear power.

50. A preferred embodiment stablizes the actinide deuteride nuclear fuel element from hydrogen isotope de-loading.

51. Meanwhile Russia, for all its truculence, has repeatedly delayed supplying the nuclear fuel for Bushehr.

52. Spent nuclear fuel is mainly composed of uranium oxide (UO2), which has a fluorite structure.

53. Nuclear war?

54. Nuclear war.

55. Control column consisting of a fuel element and an absorber element for a nuclear reactor

56. That order cannot be Countermanded by SecDef ( 153 More: Scary , Nuclear warfare , nuclear weapons , Nuclear weapon , Air Force , nuclear chain , United States Department of Defense , nuclear command , President of the United States

57. Fallout can also refer to nuclear accidents, although a nuclear reactor does not explode like a nuclear weapon.

58. Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.

59. ·nuclear fuel irradiation experiments investigating the reduction of the radiotoxicity of nuclear waste; minor actinide transmutation technological issues (i.e. fission products retention capabilities, dust-free process, helium swelling);

60. An accident in a nuclear reactor in which a cooling pipe bursts causing the loss of essential coolant British Dictionary definitions for Blowdown (2 of 2)

61. Overall, nuclear power produces far less waste material by volume than fossil-fuel based power plants.

62. - minimization of secondary actinides and other radionucleides with long half-lives in the nuclear fuel cycle,

63. As supplier states, the sides support multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle at the IAEA.

64. Nuclear reactor element, composed of combined fuel and absorber elements, which acts as a control column

65. Reprocessing of commercial nuclear fuel to make MOX was done in the Sellafield MOX Plant (England).

66. The uranium provided under the contract will be used for manufacturing in India of nuclear fuel for the Indian nuclear power plants under the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards.

67. Deployment of such advanced fuel-cycle technologies would substantially reduce nuclear waste and simplify its disposition.

68. Berkelium is only found in nuclear facilities and nuclear research facilities

69. A nuclear submarine is a submarine powered by a nuclear reactor.

70. The low estimate is the nuclear energy industry estimate of nuclear.

71. Sure, we can alter elements by nuclear fusion or nuclear fission.

72. Deployment of such advanced fuel-cycle technologies would substantially reduce nuclear waste and simplify its disposition

73. Nuclear disarmament is the act of reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons.

74. The investigated domains are: nuclear materials and fuel science with the aim to improve the safety of nuclear reactors (both fission and fusion), investigations on reactor ageing and life management, research on advanced fuel cycles and waste management.

75. Containing nuclear waste Anti-nuclear campaigners sometimes claim that nuclear fission and its dangerous products are a purely manmade phenomenon.


77. * Civil nuclear energy;

78. Nuclear Fears Persist

79. 17 Heavy water (D2O) is the most feasible moderator and coolant in nuclear-fission reactors while deuterium (D) will be the nuclear fuel for thermonuclear fusion in the distant future.

80. Many long time nuclear advocates Appredicate the inherent cleanliness of nuclear energy